Monday, May 28, 2012

Your body just isn't that toxic.

I started oil-pulling again today.

Well, I call it that, but I'm sure most of its proponents would be really irritated that I do.  The first reason is that I use coconut oil instead of sesame oil, but a lot of people do that so that's no big deal.  The second and most damning is that I swallow it.

Which is like, the number one thing they tell you not to do.  All of the instructions I have seen seem willing to throw every hippie in the world into a panic attack over whether or not they have swallowed any of this parasite-infested, toxic wasteland swishing in their mouths.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Coming Back...

Hey, I'm Jack.  You don't know me.  Or, well, you probably don't.

About a week ago I was sitting at my table eating my packed-out lunch of whole wheat pasta, lean chicken, and brussels sprouts when I got to thinking... my health is not improving as much as I wish it was.  I gave up veganism for a grain-free way of life years ago, had large gains in my health, then I went back and poof a lot of the damage is coming back.

I'd left the primal/paleo/grain-free way of eating for a variety of reasons, mostly social ones but with a large amount of skepticism.  And you know what?  I'm still skeptical of many parts of it, and I'm still annoyed with the social climate of that community... but I also have to concede that going back to grain is not doing my body good.

So I started Ochre and Arrows.  This is my personal blog that is about personal reflection and, admittedly, maybe airing some grievances.  Maybe you get something out of it, maybe you don't.

But since you don't know me, or probably don't, or knew me but don't remember me, some background:

My name is Jack.
I am a 27 year old college student.
I am a rather disgruntled ex-vegan of three years, ex-vegetarian of seven.
I am transsexual.  I wouldn't make this public everywhere, but it's actually really important to this blog as it directly correlates to my health.
Um... I think that's it for now.  I'll get back to you on that.